
Durham Region was selected to host the 2019 Ontario Parasport Games, in partnership with the Government of Ontario’s Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. The Games attracted 350 athletes, competing in approximately 10 sports over the three-day event.


The marketing material was designed to promote public awareness of parasports and to attract fans to the many sporting events that were held throughout Durham Region.

What I Provided

Posters / Print and Online Ads / Banners / Marketing Collateral / Illustrations

Durham Region Parasport Games poster
Durham Region Parasport Games feather banners
Durham Region Parasport Games banner bugs

Digital Homepage Takeover

A durhamregion.com homepage takeover was designed which included the wallpaper, leaderboard and mid-page unit ads as well as mobile leaderboard and banner ads.

Durham Region 2019 Parasport Games Results Banner

Participants and volunteers enjoyed the experience, the event generated $678,000 in economic benefit to the region and the Games Legacy Fund target was surpassed by nearly 500 per cent. I designed custom illustrations and incorporated them into an infographic that highlighted these amazing results.

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